Our Practice in Belle Fourche

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Your Eye Care, Your Home

At Redwater Eye Care, we strive to make every one of our patients feel comfortable and at ease, from those who work on the ranch to those who spend more time indoors. Our goal is to help you feel like you’re in a familiar place by providing warm, compassionate care and personalized attention—so you can feel just as cozy here as you do at home.

We know clear vision can be important for living an enhanced life with cherished, beautiful memories. That’s why we offer a variety of services to cater to your eye health. Whether you need new contact lenses, new glasses, treatment for an eye condition, or just an eye exam, we’ll take care of you in all aspects of your vision and eye health.

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Our Mission

Redwater Eye Care is committed to providing optometric care with integrity and compassion for patients in the Northern Hills area. 

We deliver care led by ethical practices, creating a strong foundation between doctor and patient. We prioritize spending time with our patients so we can truly listen and respond to your needs with the attention you deserve.

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Meet Our Doctor


Brian K. Gill


Insurance & Payment Options

At Redwater Eye Care, we accept most health insurance plans, checks, cash, and all credit cards. All patients are made aware of exam and treatment costs at the beginning of the appointment.

Your receipt will break down the costs for eyewear, which you and the optician will discuss before the order is placed.

Flexible Spending & Health Savings Accounts

We encourage you to use your flexible spending account and health savings account for your eye care needs. 

Once you’ve paid, you’ll get an itemized receipt to submit to your plan. You can also find your receipts when you log into your personal health record.

Accepted Vision Insurance

We’re happy to accept vision plans and primary health insurance from various providers. Don’t see yours on the list? Don’t hesitate to give us a call before your appointment, and we’ll answer all your questions. 

Here is a current list of some of the providers we work with:

  • South Dakota Medicaid
  • Wyoming Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Medicare Supplements
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • VSP
  • Medica
  • United Health Care (Not UHC Vision, also known as Spectera)
  • Optilegra
  • TriCare
  • Dakota Care
  • TLC
  • CareCredit

Understanding Your Coverage

Many current vision plans are designed to cover most of the basic vision-related costs, but may not cover all costs associated with eye care. Many of these plans often require a co-payment for an office appointment, and you may incur any added charges if you choose upgrade options offered by the optician that are not part of your plan’s coverage.

It can be helpful to understand your benefits before your appointment, so we encourage you to call the number on the back of your insurance card to verify eligibility and go over your plan. 

We may also be able to help you understand your insurance coverage and answer any questions you may have regarding your benefits.

Our Location

Our Address

  • 2398 5th Avenue, Suite 105
  • Belle Fourche, SD 57717

Contact Us

Clinic Hours

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Our Blog

Puffy Eyes and Dark Circles

Eye Health and Diseases

Ordinary swelling around the eyes is due to an excessive accumulation of fluids in the surrounding skin tissue. Puffy eyes and dark circles can occur for many reasons, and a visit to your eye doctor can usually detect the underlying cause behind your puffy eyes. Causes The skin around your eyes is the thinnest skin […]

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April 23, 2024
Redwater Eye Care

Bad Habits: Aging Your Eyes

Eye Health and Diseases

Do you feel like your eyes have aged? Some bad habits can make your eyes appear more aged than they are. The best way to preserve your eye health and appearance is to cut these bad habits out of your life!bits out of your life! Rubbing Your Eyes There are tiny blood vessels under their […]

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April 23, 2024
Redwater Eye Care

What Is Dry Eye?

Eye Health and Diseases

Dry eye syndrome is caused by a chronic lack of moisture and lubrication of the eyes. Your eye’s tears keep the surface of the eye moist and lubricated, as well as washing away dust, debris, and other microorganisms. What causes dry eye? Typically dry eye occurs when there is a problem with your tears. Tears […]

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April 23, 2024
Redwater Eye Care

Ordinary swelling around the eyes is due to an excessive accumulation of fluids in the surrounding skin tissue. Puffy eyes and dark circles can occur for many reasons, and a visit to your eye doctor can usually detect the underlying cause behind your puffy eyes. Causes The skin around your eyes is the thinnest skin […]

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Do you feel like your eyes have aged? Some bad habits can make your eyes appear more aged than they are. The best way to preserve your eye health and appearance is to cut these bad habits out of your life!bits out of your life! Rubbing Your Eyes There are tiny blood vessels under their […]

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Dry eye syndrome is caused by a chronic lack of moisture and lubrication of the eyes. Your eye’s tears keep the surface of the eye moist and lubricated, as well as washing away dust, debris, and other microorganisms. What causes dry eye? Typically dry eye occurs when there is a problem with your tears. Tears […]

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